Rekosistem (PT Khazanah Hijau Indonesia)
Founders : Ernest C. Layman & Joshua Valentino
Category : Sustainability and Waste Management
Product Mockup : watch here
About The Product
- About The Product
- The Solution We Offer
- How To Experience The Product
- Who Can Experience The Product
Rekosistem is an early-stage waste management Startup with digital technology based and renewable energy solutions. The products are ReBox (IoT Box) and IoT Waste Station for inorganic waste collection and Renergi (Biodigester) for organic waste processing. Inorganic waste will be segregated and matchmade with right inorganic recycler and organic waste will be converted to biogas and biofertilizer. Rekosistem aims to improve productivity of the waste value chain and realize a sustainable ecosystem in the society.
There are 4 (four) products and services applied in MRT’s ecosystem:
- ReBox is an Internet of Things (IoT) connected Box that collects plastic packaging waste and gives reward for every waste dropped from the user.
- Rekosistem Waste Station is an inorganic waste station that collects inorganic waste and gives reward for every kg of waste stored from the user.
- Rekosistem App is a waste management app that eases and encourages users (individuals, building management, and business owners) to apply responsible waste management activities in their area.
- Rekosistem Repickup Bisnis is a responsible waste pick-up service that offers an affordable and environmentally friendly method of waste management to public and commercial places. The service ensures the organic waste is processed to biogas and the inorganic waste is recycled back to recycled material.